
Of ice mass.

A slowly moving mass of ice.

This concept's ID is @1~49252


  • icefall 0 facts

    A steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall.

  • neve 0 facts

    The upper part of a glacier (beyond the limit of perpetual snow) where the snow turns to i...

Also contains

  • ice 5 facts

    Water frozen in the solid state; "Americans like ice in their drinks".

  • continental glacier 1 facts

    A glacier that spreads out from a central mass of ice.

  • Piedmont glacier 1 facts

    A type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska; large valley glaciers meet to form...

  • moraine 0 facts

    Accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier.

  • Alpine glacier 0 facts

    A glacier that moves down from a high valley.