
Of natural object.

A configuration of stars as seen from the earth.

This concept's ID is @1~49060


  • Taurus 3 facts

    A zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere near Orion; between Aries and Gemini.

  • Gemini 2 facts

    A zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere between Taurus and Cancer on the ecl...

  • Leo 2 facts

    A zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo.

  • Scorpio 1 facts

    A large zodiacal constellation between Libra and Sagittarius.

  • Virgo 1 facts

    A large zodiacal constellation on the equator; between Leo and Libra.

  • Aquarius 0 facts

    A zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Capricornus and Pisces.

  • Aries 0 facts

    A small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Pisces and Taurus.

  • Cancer 0 facts

    A small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Leo and Gemini.

  • Capricorn 0 facts

    A faint zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Sagittarius and Aq...


  • Argo 4 facts

    Formerly a large constellation in the southern hemisphere between Canis Major and the Southern...

  • Carina 1 facts

    A keel-shaped constellation in the southern hemisphere; contains the start Canopus.


  • star 24 facts

    (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions...

  • asterism 2 facts

    (astronomy) a cluster of stars (or a small constellation).

Also contains

  • Centaurus 4 facts

    A conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere near the Southern Cross.

  • Auriga 2 facts

    A conspicuous constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Great Bear and Orion at edge...

  • Cygnus 2 facts

    A constellation in the northern hemisphere between Pegasus and Draco in the Milky Way; contains...

  • Little Bear 2 facts

    A constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star.

  • Southern Cross 2 facts

    A small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near...

  • Orion 1 facts

    A constellation on the equator to the east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.

  • Perseus 1 facts

    A conspicuous constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Auriga and Cassiopeia and...

  • Great Bear 1 facts

    A constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star.

  • Lyra 1 facts

    A small constellation in the northern hemisphere near Cygnus and Draco; contains the star ...

  • Bootes 1 facts

    A constellation in the northern hemisphere near Ursa Major.

  • Aquila 1 facts

    A constellation in the Milky Way near Cygnus; contains the star Altair.

  • Canis Major 1 facts

    A constellation to the southeast of Orion; contains Sirius.

  • Canis Minor 1 facts

    A constellation to the east of Orion; contains Procyon.

  • Crater 0 facts

    A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus.

  • Fornax 0 facts

    A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Cetus and Phoenix.

  • Hydra 0 facts

    A long faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near the equator stretching between...

  • Hydrus 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near the south celestial pole.

  • Cassiopeia 0 facts

    A W-shaped constellation in the northern hemisphere near Polaris.

  • Delphinus 0 facts

    A constellation in the northern hemisphere near Pegasus and Aquila.

  • Cepheus 0 facts

    A faint constellation in the northern hemisphere near Cassiopeia and the pole star.

  • Cetus 0 facts

    A large constellation on the equator near Pisces and Aquarius.

  • Chamaeleon 0 facts

    A faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and M...

  • Dorado 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the...

  • Draco 0 facts

    A faint constellation twisting around the north celestial pole and lying between Ursa Major...

  • Circinus 0 facts

    A small faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum Austr...

  • Grus 0 facts

    A small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix.

  • Andromeda 0 facts

    A constellation in the northern hemisphere between Cassiopeia and Pegasus; contains the...

  • Eridanus 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Fornax and Cetus.

  • Columba 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum.

  • Coma Berenices 0 facts

    A constellation in the northern hemisphere between Ursa Major and Bootes; contains...

  • Antlia 0 facts

    A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Hydra and Vela.

  • Apus 0 facts

    A constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Octans.

  • Ara 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Norma.

  • Caelum 0 facts

    A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Columba and Eridanus.

  • Hercules 0 facts

    A large constellation in the northern hemisphere between Lyra and Corona Borealis.

  • Corona Borealis 0 facts

    A small constellation in the northern hemisphere between Bootes and Hercules.

  • Corvus 0 facts

    A small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.