Arctic Ocean

Of ocean.

Ice covered waters surrounding the North Pole; mostly covered with solid ice or with ice floes and icebergs.

This concept's ID is @1~48816


  • Barents Sea 1 facts

    The part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Norway and Russia.

  • Kara Sea 1 facts

    Part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia and to the east of the Barents Sea; icebound...

  • Beaufort Sea 0 facts

    Part of the Arctic Ocean to the northeast of Alaska.

  • Chukchi Sea 0 facts

    Part of the Arctic Ocean just to the north of the Bering Strait.

  • Greenland Sea 0 facts

    Part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Iceland.

  • Laptev Sea 0 facts

    Part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia (between the Taimyr Peninsula and the...


  • Greenland 2 facts

    The largest island in the world; lies between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean...

  • Baffin Island 0 facts

    The 5th largest island and the largest island of Arctic Canada; lies between Greenland...

  • New Siberian Islands 0 facts

    A group of islands in the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia and to the east...

Also contains

  • Svalbard 1 facts

    A Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.