
Of Europe, European country, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Europe and Benelux.   May also be referred to as Belgique and Kingdom of Belgium.

A monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

This concept's ID is @1~47137


  • Antwerpen 0 facts

    A busy port and financial center in northern Belgium on the Scheldt river; it has long...

  • Bruges 0 facts

    A city in northwestern Belgium that is connected by canal to the North Sea; in the 13th century...

  • Charleroi 0 facts

    City in southwestern Belgium; center of an industrial region.

  • Gent 0 facts

    Port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry.

  • Liege 0 facts

    City in eastern Belgium; largest French-speaking city in Belgium.

  • Namur 0 facts

    A city in south central Belgium situated on a promontory between the Meuse River and the Sambre...


  • commune 0 facts

    The smallest administrative district of several European countries.

  • Meuse 0 facts

    A European river; flows into the North Sea.

  • Sambre 0 facts

    A river in western Europe that rises in northern France and flows generally east into Belgium...

  • Scheldt 0 facts

    A river that rises in France and flows northeast across Belgium and empties into the North...


  • Belgian 2 facts

    A native or inhabitant of Belgium.

  • Fleming 0 facts

    A native of Flanders or a Flemish-speaking Belgian.

  • Walloon 0 facts

    A member of the French-speaking people living in Belgium.

Also contains

  • Bruxelles 0 facts

    The capital and largest city of Belgium; seat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati...

  • Waterloo 0 facts

    A town in central Belgium where in 1815 Napoleon met his final defeat.