
Of line.   May also be referred to as itinerary and route.

An established line of travel or access.

This concept's ID is @1~46073


  • way 6 facts

    A line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way h...

  • orbit 3 facts

    The (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another;...

  • airway 2 facts

    A designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another.

  • trade route 1 facts

    A route followed by traders (usually in caravans).

  • bus route 1 facts

    The route regularly followed by a passenger bus.

  • pattern 1 facts

    The path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; "the...

  • fairway 0 facts

    The usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or coastal waters.

  • line of flight 0 facts

    The path along which a freely moving object travels through the air.

  • line of march 0 facts

    The route along which a column advances.

  • track 0 facts

    (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide...

  • orbit 0 facts

    The path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom.

  • Northwest Passage 0 facts

    A water route between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean along the northern...

  • main line 0 facts

    The principal route of a transportation system.

  • paper route 0 facts

    The route taken when delivering newspapers every day.

  • feeder line 0 facts

    A branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline).

  • flight path 0 facts

    The path of a rocket or projectile or aircraft through the air.

  • beeline 0 facts

    The most direct route; "he made a beeline for the bathroom".

  • circuit 0 facts

    An established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to;...

  • crosscut 0 facts

    A diagonal path.

  • supply line 0 facts

    A route over which supplies can be delivered.

  • beat 0 facts

    A regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew...

  • line of fire 0 facts

    The path of a missile discharged from a firearm.

  • migration route 0 facts

    The geographic route along which birds customarily migrate.