City District

Of territory and city.

A district of a town or city.

This concept's ID is @1~45657


  • Harlem 0 facts

    A district of Manhattan; now largely a Black ghetto.

  • Hell's Kitchen 0 facts

    A district in Manhattan formerly noted for its slums and vice.

  • SoHo 0 facts

    A district in southwestern Manhattan noted for its shops and restaurants and galleries and...

  • off-Broadway 0 facts

    Low-budget theaters located outside the Broadway area in Manhattan.

  • Times Square 0 facts

    The area of Manhattan around the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue; heart...


  • West End 1 facts

    The part of west central London containing the main entertainment and shopping areas.

  • Bloomsbury 0 facts

    A city district of central London laid out in garden squares.

  • Soho 0 facts

    A city district of central London now noted for restaurants and nightclubs.

  • Wembley 0 facts

    A southeastern part of Greater London that is the site of the English national soccer s...

Also contains

  • quarter 5 facts

    A district of a city having some distinguishing character; "the Latin Quarter".

  • waterfront 2 facts

    The area of a city (such as a harbor or dockyard) alongside a body of water.

  • precinct 2 facts

    A district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes.

  • slum 2 facts

    A district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions.

  • fringe 1 facts

    A part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of...

  • business district 1 facts

    The central area or commercial center of a town or city; "the heart of Birmingham's...

  • West Berlin 1 facts

    The part of Berlin under United States and British and French control until 1989.

  • Nob Hill 0 facts

    A fashionable neighborhood in San Francisco.

  • tenderloin 0 facts

    A city district known for its vice and high crime rate.

  • turf 0 facts

    The territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own.

  • ghetto 0 facts

    A poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together...

  • enterprise zone 0 facts

    A city district where development receives special tax advantages.

  • Beacon Hill 0 facts

    A fashionable section of Boston; site of the Massachusetts capital building.

  • Coney Island 0 facts

    A section of Brooklyn on the Atlantic; known as an amusement center.

  • red-light district 0 facts

    A district with many brothels.

  • Barbary Coast 0 facts

    A part of a city that is notorious for gambling dens and brothels and saloons and...

  • Hollywood 0 facts

    A district of Los Angeles long associated with the American film industry.