
Of formation.

A formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter".

This concept's ID is @1~45239


  • queue 7 facts

    A line of people or vehicles waiting for something.

  • diagonal 2 facts

    An oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the...

  • file 2 facts

    A line of persons or things ranged one behind the other.

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    A line of people in single file performing the conga dance.

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    A line or series of traps.

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    The arrangement of people in a line for marching.

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    The order in which individuals are expected to succeed one another in some official...

  • picket line 0 facts

    A line of people acting as pickets.