Ecumenical Council

Of council.

(early Christian church) one of seven gatherings of bishops from around the known world under the presidency of the Pope to regulate matters of faith and morals and discipline; "the first seven councils through 787 are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church".

This concept's ID is @1~44647


  • Nicaea 0 facts

    The first ecumenical council in 325 which produced the wording of the Nicene Creed and condemned...

  • Constantinople 0 facts

    The second ecumenical council in 381 which added wording about the Holy Spirit to...

  • Ephesus 0 facts

    The third ecumenical council in 431 which declared Mary as mother of God and condemned ...

  • Chalcedon 0 facts

    The fourth ecumenical council in 451 which defined the two natures (human and divine)...

  • Constantinople 0 facts

    The fifth ecumenical council in 553 which held Origen's writings to be heretic.

  • Constantinople 0 facts

    The sixth ecumenical council in 680-681 which condemned Monothelitism by defining...

  • Nicaea 0 facts

    The seventh ecumenical council in 787 which refuted iconoclasm and regulated the veneration...