
Of circle.   May also be referred to as clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle and pack.

An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose.

This concept's ID is @1~44253


  • sect 6 facts

    A dissenting clique.

  • cabal 1 facts

    A clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue.

  • kitchen cabinet 0 facts

    An inner circle of unofficial advisors to the head of a government.

  • loop 0 facts

    An inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan); "he's no longer in the lo...

  • military junta 0 facts

    A group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power.

  • rogue's gallery 0 facts

    A coterie of undesirable people.

  • hard core 0 facts

    The most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or movement.

  • mafia 0 facts

    Any tightly knit group of trusted associates.

  • Bloomsbury Group 0 facts

    An inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around...

  • bohemia 0 facts

    A group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations...