
Of animal group.

A group of birds.

This concept's ID is @1~43226


  • bird 38 facts

    Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wi...

  • covey 2 facts

    A small flock of grouse or partridge.

  • gaggle 1 facts

    A flock of geese.

  • wisp 1 facts

    A flock of snipe.

  • bevy 1 facts

    A flock of birds (especially when gathered close together on the ground); "we were visited...

  • covert 1 facts

    A flock of coots.

  • exaltation 0 facts

    A flock of larks (especially a flock of larks in flight overhead).

  • flight 0 facts

    A flock of flying birds.