
Of plural, group and man.

(plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; "old people"; "there were at least 200 people in the audience".

This concept's ID is @1~43008


  • poor people 2 facts

    People without possessions or wealth (considered as a group); "the urban poor need ...

  • peoples 0 facts

    The human beings of a particular nation or community or ethnic group; "the indigenous peoples...

  • ancients 0 facts

    People who lived in times long past (especially during the historical period before the...

  • rich people 0 facts

    People who have possessions and wealth (considered as a group); "only the very rich...

  • unemployed people 0 facts

    People who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group); "the long-term...

Also contains

  • person 405 facts

    A human being; "there was too much for one person to do".

  • class 25 facts

    People having the same social, economic, or educational status; "the working class"; "an emerging...

  • land 8 facts

    The people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the...

  • folk 6 facts

    People in general (often used in the plural); "they're just country folk"; "folks around here...

  • generation 2 facts

    All the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age.

  • age group 2 facts

    A group of people having approximately the same age.

  • dead 2 facts

    People who are no longer living; "they buried the dead".

  • world 2 facts

    People in general considered as a whole; "he is a hero in the eyes of the public".

  • womankind 1 facts

    Women as distinguished from men.

  • blind 1 facts

    People who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group; "he spent hours reading...

  • chosen people 1 facts

    Any people believing themselves to be chosen by God.

  • deaf 1 facts

    People who have severe hearing impairments; "many of the deaf use sign language".

  • disabled 1 facts

    People collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped; "technology to...

  • homebound 1 facts

    People who are confined to their homes.

  • tradespeople 1 facts

    People engaged in trade.

  • population 1 facts

    The people who inhabit a territory or state; "the population seemed to be well fed and...

  • unconfessed 0 facts

    People who have not confessed; "the unconfessed cannot be forgiven".

  • migration 0 facts

    A group of people migrating together (especially in some given time period).

  • baffled 0 facts

    People who are frustrated and perplexed; "the children's faces clearly expressed the frustration...

  • blood 0 facts

    People viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization".

  • brave 0 facts

    People who are brave; "the home of the free and the brave".

  • timid 0 facts

    People who are fearful and cautious; "whitewater rafting is not for the timid".

  • business people 0 facts

    People who transact business (especially business executives).

  • business 0 facts

    Customers collectively; "they have an upper class clientele".

  • rank and file 0 facts

    People who constitute the main body of any group.

  • damned 0 facts

    People who are condemned to eternal punishment; "he felt he had visited the realm of the...

  • lobby 0 facts

    The people who support some common cause or business or principle or sectional interest.

  • smart money 0 facts

    People who are highly experienced or who have inside information; "the smart money said...

  • living 0 facts

    People who are still living; "save your pity for the living".

  • defeated 0 facts

    People who are defeated; "the Romans had no pity for the defeated".

  • doomed 0 facts

    People who are destined to die soon; "the agony of the doomed was in his voice".

  • enemy 0 facts

    Any hostile group of people; "he viewed lawyers as the real enemy".

  • episcopate 0 facts

    The collective body of bishops.

  • free 0 facts

    People who are free; "the home of the free and the brave".

  • initiate 0 facts

    People who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity; "it is very...

  • uninitiate 0 facts

    People who have not been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity; "it diverts...

  • mentally retarded 0 facts

    People collectively who are mentally retarded; "he started a school for the r...

  • network army 0 facts

    A group of like-minded people united by the internet; a new kind of social or political...

  • nationality 0 facts

    People having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation; "immigrants...

  • peanut gallery 0 facts

    (figurative) people whose criticisms are regarded as irrelevant or insignificant...

  • pocket 0 facts

    A small isolated group of people; "they were concentrated in pockets inside the city"; "the...

  • retreated 0 facts

    People who have retreated; "he had only contempt for the retreated".

  • sick 0 facts

    People who are sick; "they devote their lives to caring for the sick".

  • wounded 0 facts

    People who are wounded; "they had to leave the wounded where they fell".