Edible Fat

Of fat.

Oily or greasy matter making up the bulk of fatty tissue in animals and in seeds and other plant tissue.

This concept's ID is @1~41213


  • oil 17 facts

    Any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants.

  • shortening 0 facts

    Fat such as butter or lard used in baked goods.

  • suet 0 facts

    Hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and sheep.

  • drippings 0 facts

    Fat that exudes from meat and drips off while it is being roasted or fried.

  • lard 0 facts

    Soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog.

  • cracklings 0 facts

    The crisp residue left after lard has been rendered.

  • marbling 0 facts

    The intermixture of fat and lean in a cut of meat.