
Of fare.

A prescribed selection of foods.

This concept's ID is @1~40432


  • reducing diet 2 facts

    A diet designed to help you lose weight (especially fat).

  • pap 1 facts

    A diet that does not require chewing; advised for those with intestinal disorders.

  • vegetarianism 1 facts

    A diet excluding all meat and fish.

  • dietary supplement 1 facts

    Something added to complete a diet or to make up for a dietary deficiency.

  • liquid diet 1 facts

    A diet of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form (plus custards or puddings);...

  • low-fat diet 0 facts

    A diet containing limited amounts of fat and stressing foods high in carbohydrates...

  • low-sodium diet 0 facts

    A diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride); often used in treating...

  • allergy diet 0 facts

    A diet designed to avoid the foods that you are allergic to.

  • balanced diet 0 facts

    A diet that contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for...

  • bland diet 0 facts

    A diet of foods that are not irritating; "he ate a bland diet because of his colitis...

  • diabetic diet 0 facts

    A diet designed to help control the symptoms of diabetes.

  • carbohydrate loading 0 facts

    A diet of foods high in starch that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscles;...

  • gluten-free diet 0 facts

    Diet prescribed to treat celiac disease; eliminates such foods as wheat and rye...

  • high-protein diet 0 facts

    A diet high in plant and animal proteins; used to treat malnutrition or to increase...

  • high-vitamin diet 0 facts

    A diet designed to patients with vitamin deficiencies.

  • light diet 0 facts

    Diet prescribed for bedridden or convalescent people; does not include fried or highly...

More Connections

  • dietician 6 facts

    A specialist in the study of nutrition.