
Of motion.   May also be referred to as change of location.

A movement through space that changes the location of something.

This concept's ID is @1~39066


  • flow 15 facts

    The motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases).

  • rise 8 facts

    A movement upward; "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon".

  • descent 6 facts

    A movement downward.

  • spread 5 facts

    Process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space.

  • gravitation 1 facts

    Movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction; "irrigation by gravitation...

  • progress 1 facts

    A movement forward; "he listened for the progress of the troops".

  • entrance 1 facts

    A movement into or inward.

  • translation 1 facts

    A uniform movement without rotation.

  • levitation 0 facts

    Movement upward in virtue of lightness.

  • stampede 0 facts

    A wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle).

  • fall 0 facts

    A movement downward; "the rise and fall of the tides".

  • circulation 0 facts

    Free movement or passage (as of cytoplasm within a cell or sap through a plant); "ocean...

  • ascension 0 facts

    (astronomy) the rising of a star above the horizon.

  • creep 0 facts

    A slow longitudinal movement or deformation.