
Of account.

An explanation that results from interpreting something; "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence".

This concept's ID is @1~38304


  • eisegesis 0 facts

    Personal interpretation of a text (especially of the Bible) using your own ideas.

  • exegesis 0 facts

    An explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible).

Also contains

  • misunderstanding 3 facts

    Putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused...

  • clarification 1 facts

    An interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding; "the professor's clarification...

  • literal interpretation 1 facts

    An interpretation based on the exact wording.

  • version 1 facts

    An interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint; "his version of the fight was...

  • exposition 1 facts

    A systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic.

  • ijtihad 0 facts

    The endeavor of a Moslem scholar to derive a rule of divine law from the Koran and Hadith...

  • reading 0 facts

    A particular interpretation or performance; "on that reading it was an insult"; "he was...

  • construal 0 facts

    An interpretation of the meaning of something; the act of construing.

  • twist 0 facts

    An interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his con...

  • reconstruction 0 facts

    An interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence.

  • popularization 0 facts

    An interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable.