
Of Fennic.

A group of Finnic languages including Finnish and Estonian.

This concept's ID is @1~37140


  • Livonian 0 facts

    The Finnic language spoken by the people of Livonia in Estonia and Latvia.

  • Estonian 0 facts

    The official language of Estonia; belongs to the Baltic-Finnic family of languages.

  • Karelian 0 facts

    A Finnic language spoken by the people of Karelia.

  • Ludian 0 facts

    A Baltic-Finnic language.

  • Finnish 0 facts

    The official language of Finland; belongs to the Baltic Finnic family of languages.

  • Veps 0 facts

    A Finnic language spoken by the Veps.

  • Ingrian 0 facts

    A Finnic language spoken by the Ingrian.