
Of psychotherapy.   May also be referred to as depth psychology and psychoanalysis.

A set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis".

This concept's ID is @1~3683


  • anal stage 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which...

  • genital stage 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a person's development occurring...

  • latency stage 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age 5 or 6 until puberty) during which...

  • oral stage 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development; the mouth...

  • phallic stage 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the third stage in a child's development when awareness of and manipulation...

Libidinal Energy

  • libidinal energy 2 facts

    (psychoanalysis) psychic energy produced by the libido.

  • charge 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object; "Freud thought...

  • acathexis 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a lack of cathexis; a condition in which significant objects or memories...


  • anal personality 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion...

  • genital personality 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the mature personality which is not dominated by infantile...

  • oral personality 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized either by generous optimism or aggressive...

Unconscious Mind

  • superego 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience.

  • id 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activity.


  • pleasure principle 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the id; the principle that an infant...

  • reality principle 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the ego; the principle that as a child...

Also contains

  • complex 3 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness...

  • transference 1 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person...

  • penis envy 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a female's presumed envy of the male's penis; said to explain femin...

  • introjection 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the internalization of the parent figures and their values; leads...

  • imago 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) an idealized image of someone (usually a parent) formed in childhood.

  • latent content 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) hidden meaning of a fantasy or dream.

  • castration anxiety 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) anxiety resulting from real or imagined threats to your sexual...

  • condensation 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) an unconscious process whereby two ideas or images combine into a...

  • ego 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind.

  • hypnoanalysis 0 facts

    The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalysis.

  • libido 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire.

  • anaclisis 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) relationship marked by strong dependence on others; especially a libidinal...

  • catharsis 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions.

  • ego ideal 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the part of the ego that contains an ideal of personal excellence toward...

  • introject 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) parental figures (and their values) that you introjected as a child;...

  • psychosexual development 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) the process during which personality and sexual behavior...

  • death instinct 0 facts

    (psychoanalysis) an unconscious urge to die.