
Of name.   May also be referred to as brand name, marque and trade name.

A name given to a product or service.

This concept's ID is @1~36473


  • cephalosporin 8 facts

    One of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related...

  • cefadroxil 0 facts

    A cephalosporin antibiotic (trade name Ultracef).

  • cefoperazone 0 facts

    A parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Cefobid) used for severe infections.

  • cefotaxime 0 facts

    A parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Claforan) used for severe infections of the lungs...

  • ceftazidime 0 facts

    A parenteral cephalosporin (trade names Fortaz and Tazicef) used to treat moderate ...

  • ceftriaxone 0 facts

    A parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Rocephin) used for severe infection of the lungs...

  • cephalexin 0 facts

    An oral cephalosporin (trade names Keflex and Keflin and Keftab) commonly prescribe for...


  • amrinone 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction...

  • clofibrate 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some...

  • clopidogrel bisulfate 0 facts

    A blood thinner (trade name Plavix) approved for the treatment of mild heart...

  • disulfiram 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism; causes nausea and vomiting...


  • alprazolam 0 facts

    An antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class.

  • chlordiazepoxide 0 facts

    A tranquilizer (trade names Librium and Libritabs) used in the treatment of al...

  • diazepam 0 facts

    A tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing...

  • estazolam 0 facts

    A frequently prescribed sleeping pill (trade name ProSom).


  • chlortetracycline 0 facts

    A yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) used to treat certain...

  • ciprofloxacin 0 facts

    An oral antibiotic (trade name Cipro) used against serious bacterial infections of...

  • erythromycin 0 facts

    An antibiotic (trade name Erythrocin or E-Mycin or Ethril or Ilosone or Pediamycin)...

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory

  • diclofenac potassium 1 facts

    A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Cataflam).

  • diclofenac sodium 1 facts

    A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Voltaren) that is administered...

  • diflunisal 1 facts

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Dolobid) used to treat arthritis and other...


  • chlorpheniramine maleate 0 facts

    An antihistamine (trade names Coricidin and Chlor-Trimeton).

  • cyproheptadine 0 facts

    An antihistamine (trade name Periactin) used to treat some allergic reactions.

  • dimenhydrinate 0 facts

    Antihistamine and antiemetic (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sicknes...


  • aspirin 4 facts

    The acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug...

  • ampicillin 0 facts

    Semisynthetic penicillin (trade names Principen and Polycillin and SK-Ampicillin).


  • chlorothiazide 0 facts

    A diuretic drug (trade name Diuril) used in the treatment of edema and hypertens...

  • clonidine 0 facts

    An antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal...

Beta Blocker

  • acebutolol 0 facts

    An oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension.

  • esmolol 0 facts

    Intravenous beta blocker (trade name Brevibloc) that acts for only a short time; used primarily...

Also contains

  • diphenylhydantoin 0 facts

    An anticonvulsant drug (trade name Dilantin) used to treat epilepsy and that is...

  • clomiphene 0 facts

    A fertility drug (trade name Clomid) that is used to stimulate ovulation and that has...

  • etanercept 0 facts

    A genetically engineered anti-TNF compound (trade name Enbrel) consisting of receptors...

  • cyclobenzaprine 0 facts

    Muscle relaxant (trade name Flexeril) used for muscle spasms or acute injury.

  • dextroamphetamine sulphate 0 facts

    An isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous...

  • cimetidine 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of...

  • ethacrynic acid 0 facts

    Diuretic (trade name Edecrin) used to treat edema.

  • celecoxib 0 facts

    A Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Celebrex) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming...

  • ethchlorvynol 0 facts

    A mild sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Placidyl).

  • enflurane 0 facts

    A nonflammable liquid (trade name Ethrane) used as an inhalation general anesthetic.

  • diazoxide 0 facts

    Vasodilator (trade name Hyperstat) used to treat severe hypertension.

  • chlorpromazine 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Thorazine) derived from phenothiazine that has antipsychotic effects...

  • dicloxacillin 0 facts

    Antibacterial (trade name Dynapen) used to treat staphylococcal infections that are...

  • cerivastatin 0 facts

    An oral drug (trade name Baycol) to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

  • enalapril 0 facts

    An ACE inhibitor (trade name Vasotec) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the...

  • encainide 0 facts

    Antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Enkaid) used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias but...

  • digoxin 0 facts

    Digitalis preparation (trade name Lanoxin) used to treat congestive heart failure or cardiac...

  • demeclocycline hydrochloride 0 facts

    Tetracycline antibacterial (trade name Declomycin) effective in the...

  • diltiazem 0 facts

    A calcium blocker (trade name Cardizem) used in treating hypertension or angina or heart...

  • chlorambucil 0 facts

    An alkalating agent (trade name Leukeran) used to treat some kinds of cancer.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.