Musical Notation

Of music, notation and score.

(music) notation used by musicians.

This concept's ID is @1~36285


  • scale 5 facts

    (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within...

  • stave 2 facts

    (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written.

  • slur 1 facts

    (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato.

  • segno 0 facts

    (music) a notation written at the beginning or end of a passage that is to be repeated.

  • sforzando 0 facts

    (music) a notation written above a note and indicating that it is to be played with a...


  • bar line 1 facts

    A vertical line before the accented beat marking the boundary between musical bars.

  • staff line 0 facts

    Any of the 5 horizontal marks comprising a staff.

  • ledger line 0 facts

    A short line; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff.

Also contains

  • note 22 facts

    A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note...

  • interval 9 facts

    The difference in pitch between two notes.

  • clef 6 facts

    A musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it.

  • key 3 facts

    Any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of mu...

  • rest 3 facts

    A musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration.

  • sharp 1 facts

    A musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named.

  • flat 1 facts

    A musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named.

  • solmization 1 facts

    A system of naming the notes of a musical scale by syllables instead of letters.

  • time signature 1 facts

    A musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that...

  • space 0 facts

    One of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff; "the spaces are the...

  • tablature 0 facts

    A musical notation indicating the fingering to be used.

  • natural 0 facts

    A notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat.

  • accidental 0 facts

    A musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part...

  • fermata 0 facts

    A musical notation (over a note or chord or rest) that indicates it is to be prolonged by...

  • signature 0 facts

    The sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key.

  • atonality 0 facts

    The absence of a key; alternative to the diatonic system.

  • measure 0 facts

    Musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats; "the orchestra omitted the last...