Mathematical Notation

Of notation and mathematical statement.

A notation used by mathematicians.

This concept's ID is @1~36250


  • sign 4 facts

    A character indicating a relation between quantities; "don't forget the minus sign".

  • power 2 facts

    A mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself.

  • parenthesis-free notation 2 facts

    A notation for forming mathematical expressions that does not use parentheses...

  • numeration system 2 facts

    Any notation for the representation of numbers.

  • decimal notation 0 facts

    Any notation that uses 10 different characters (usually the digits 0 to 9).

  • octal notation 0 facts

    Any mathematical notation that uses 8 different characters (usually the digits 0...

  • duodecimal notation 0 facts

    Any notation that uses 12 different characters.

  • hexadecimal notation 0 facts

    Any notation that uses 16 different characters.

  • point 0 facts

    The dot at the left of a decimal fraction.

  • fixed-point notation 0 facts

    A radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is fixed...

  • floating-point notation 0 facts

    A radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is...

  • infix notation 0 facts

    A notation for forming mathematical expressions using parentheses and governed by...

  • binary notation 0 facts

    Any notation that uses 2 characters (usually 0 and 1).