
Of head.

A question raised for consideration or solution; "our homework consisted of ten problems to solve".

This concept's ID is @1~36115


  • puzzle 2 facts

    A particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution; "he loved to solve...

  • pons asinorum 0 facts

    A problem that severely tests the ability of an inexperienced person.

  • rebus 0 facts

    A puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and wor...

  • case 0 facts

    A problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir".

  • homework problem 0 facts

    A problem that students are assigned to do outside of class.

  • riddle 0 facts

    A difficult problem.

  • sticker 0 facts

    A particularly difficult or baffling question or problem.

  • Gordian knot 0 facts

    Any very difficult problem; insoluble in its own terms.

  • koan 0 facts

    A paradoxical anecdote or a riddle that has no solution; used in Zen Buddhism to show the inadequacy...