Legislative Act

Of law and act.   May also be referred to as statute.

An act passed by a legislative body.

This concept's ID is @1~34966


  • enabling act 0 facts

    A provision in a law that confers on appropriate officials the power to implement or...

  • ordinance 0 facts

    A statute enacted by a city government.

  • special act 0 facts

    A legislative act that applies only to a particular person or particular district.

Also contains

  • rider 0 facts

    A clause that is appended to a legislative bill.

  • fair-trade act 0 facts

    Formerly a state law that protected manufacturers from price-cutting by allowing...

  • Stamp Act 0 facts

    An act passed by the British Parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American...

  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 0 facts

    An act passed by Congress in 1978 to establish procedures...