
Of database.   May also be referred to as list.

A database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics).

This concept's ID is @1~34531


  • menu 2 facts

    (computer science) a list of options available to a computer user.

  • directory 1 facts

    (computer science) a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk).

Also contains

  • point 6 facts

    A distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated...

  • roll 6 facts

    A list of names; "his name was struck off the rolls".

  • bill 4 facts

    A list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare).

  • catalog 4 facts

    A complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; "it does not pretend to be a...

  • schedule 3 facts

    An ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur.

  • agenda 2 facts

    A list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting).

  • character set 2 facts

    An ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing.

  • index 2 facts

    An alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discus...

  • inventory 2 facts

    A detailed list of all the items in stock.

  • queue 1 facts

    (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be trans...

  • bibliography 1 facts

    A list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single...

  • calendar 1 facts

    A list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc); "I have...

  • key 1 facts

    A list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations.

  • shopping list 1 facts

    A list of items to be purchased.

  • class list 0 facts

    A list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours...

  • contents 0 facts

    A list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they start.

  • A-list 0 facts

    A list of names of specially favored people; "the boss gave me his A-list of people we should...

  • credits 0 facts

    A list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run...

  • blacklist 0 facts

    A list of people who are out of favor.

  • calorie chart 0 facts

    A list of foods and information about their caloric content.

  • canon 0 facts

    A complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.

  • checklist 0 facts

    A list of items (names or tasks etc.) to be checked or consulted.

  • codex 0 facts

    An official list of chemicals or medicines etc.

  • corrigenda 0 facts

    A list of printing errors in a book along with their corrections.

  • record 0 facts

    A list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted; "he ruled that...

  • distribution list 0 facts

    List of names to whom a communication should be sent.

  • enumeration 0 facts

    A numbered list.

  • FAQ 0 facts

    A list of questions that are frequently asked (about a given topic) along with their answer...

  • free list 0 facts

    A list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs.

  • grocery list 0 facts

    A list of heterogenous items that someone wants; "the union came to the table with...

  • hit list 0 facts

    A list of victims to be eliminated (as by murder).

  • hit parade 0 facts

    A ranked list of the songs that are most popular at a given time.

  • posting 0 facts

    (bookkeeping) a listing on the company's records; "the posting was made in the cash acc...

  • key 0 facts

    A list of answers to a test; "some students had stolen the key to the final exam".

  • mailing list 0 facts

    A list of names and addresses to which advertising material is mailed.

  • flag 0 facts

    A listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page)...

  • necrology 0 facts

    A list of people who died recently.

  • playlist 0 facts

    A list of musical selections for performance or for broadcast by radio.

  • portfolio 0 facts

    A list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution;...

  • price list 0 facts

    A listing of prices for different goods or services.

  • stack 0 facts

    A list in which the next item to be removed is the item most recently stored (LIFO).

  • short list 0 facts

    A list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from...

  • sick list 0 facts

    A list of those who are ill (e.g. on a warship or in a regiment etc).

  • slate 0 facts

    A list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices.

  • standing 0 facts

    An ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals...

  • wish list 0 facts

    A list of events that you wish would occur.