Literary Composition

Of writing.   May also be referred to as literary work.

Imaginative or creative writing.

This concept's ID is @1~34077


  • poem 22 facts

    A composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.

  • fiction 5 facts

    A literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact.

  • pastoral 1 facts

    A literary work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds).

  • hagiology 0 facts

    Literature narrating the lives (and legends) of the saints.

  • acrostic 0 facts

    Verse in which certain letters such as the first in each line form a word or message.

  • belles-lettres 0 facts

    Creative writing valued for esthetic content.

  • dialogue 0 facts

    A literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people; "he has read Plato's...

  • fictionalization 0 facts

    A literary work based partly or wholly on fact but written as if it were ficti...

  • potboiler 0 facts

    A literary composition of poor quality that was written quickly to make money (to boil...

  • tushery 0 facts

    Writing of poor quality; characterized by affected choice of archaic words.

  • lucubration 0 facts

    A solemn literary work that is the product of laborious cogitation.