
Of cell and organelle.   May also be referred to as cell nucleus and karyon.

A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction.

This concept's ID is @1~29671

Body Substance

  • chromatin 1 facts

    The readily stainable substance of a cell nucleus consisting of DNA and RNA and various...

  • achromatin 0 facts

    The part of a cell nucleus that is relatively uncolored by stains or dyes.

  • linin 0 facts

    An obsolete term for the network of viscous material in the cell nucleus on which the chromatin...

Also contains

  • chromosome 12 facts

    A threadlike strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order;...

  • nucleoplasm 0 facts

    The protoplasm that constitutes the nucleus of a cell.

  • subthalamic nucleus 0 facts

    An oval mass of grey matter located in the caudal part of the subthalamus; associated...

  • nucleolus 0 facts

    A small round body of protein in a cell nucleus; such organelles contain RNA and are involved...

  • pronucleus 0 facts

    The nucleus of the ovum or sperm after fertilization but before they fuse to form the...