
Of animal tissue.   May also be referred to as tissue layer.

A pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants.

This concept's ID is @1~29628


  • retina 8 facts

    The innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous...

  • cornea 1 facts

    The transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer covering of the eye; it covers...

  • iris 1 facts

    Muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil which in turn controls the amount of...

  • choroid 0 facts

    A highly vascular membrane in the eye between the retina and the sclera; a dark pigmentation...

  • ciliary body 0 facts

    The part of the tunic of the eye between the choroid coat and the iris; "the ciliary...

Also contains

  • serous membrane 6 facts

    A thin membrane lining the closed cavities of the body; has two layers with a space...

  • fetal membrane 5 facts

    Any membrane that functions for the protection or nourishment or respiration or excretion...

  • meninx 5 facts

    A membrane (one of 3) that envelops the brain and spinal cord.

  • mucous membrane 3 facts

    Mucus-secreting membrane lining all body cavities or passages that communicate with...

  • tympanum 2 facts

    The membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound.

  • tunic 1 facts

    An enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue.

  • phospholipid 1 facts

    Any of various compounds composed of fatty acids and phosphoric acid and a nitrogenous...

  • semipermeable membrane 1 facts

    A membrane (as a cell membrane) that allows some molecules to pass through...

  • periosteum 1 facts

    A dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities)...

  • synovial membrane 0 facts

    A thin membrane in synovial (freely moving) joints that lines the joint capsule...

  • web 0 facts

    Membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals.

  • axolemma 0 facts

    Outer membrane covering an axon.

  • diaphragm 0 facts

    (anatomy) a muscular partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities; functions...

  • endocranium 0 facts

    Membrane lining the inside of the skull.

  • endosteum 0 facts

    Vascular membrane that lines the inner surface of long bones.

  • ependyma 0 facts

    Thin epithelial membrane lining the ventricles of the brain and the spinal cord canal.

  • fertilization membrane 0 facts

    The membrane that forms around a fertilized ovum and prevents penetration...

  • hyaloid membrane 0 facts

    The transparent membrane enveloping the vitreous humor of the eye and separating...

  • Bowman's capsule 0 facts

    Thin double membrane surrounding the glomerulus of a nephron.

  • intima 0 facts

    The innermost membrane of an organ (especially the inner lining of an artery or vein or lymphatic...

  • lamella 0 facts

    A thin membrane that is one of the calcified layers that form bones.

  • chorioallantois 0 facts

    The very vascular fetal membrane composed of the fused chorion and adjacent wall...

  • basilar membrane 0 facts

    A membrane in the cochlea that supports the organ of Corti.

  • trophoblast 0 facts

    The membrane that forms the wall of the blastocyst in early development; aids implantation...

  • perithelium 0 facts

    Tissue layer around small blood vessels.

  • sarcolemma 0 facts

    An extensible membrane enclosing the contractile substance of a muscle fiber.