
Of circulatory system and blood vessel.   May also be referred to as vena and venous blood vessel.

A blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart; "all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood".

This concept's ID is @1~29597


  • accessory cephalic vein 0 facts

    A vein that passes along the radial edge of the forearm and joins the cephalic...

  • basilic vein 0 facts

    A vein that drains the back of the hand and forearm and empties into the axillary ...


Also contains

  • cerebral vein 6 facts

    Any of several veins serving the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.

  • cardinal vein 3 facts

    Any of the major venous channels in primitive adult vertebrates and in embryos of...

  • clitoral vein 3 facts

    Veins that serve the clitoris.

  • epigastric vein 3 facts

    Veins serving the anterior walls of the abdomen.

  • circumflex vein 2 facts

    Any of several curved parallel veins accompanying arteries of the same name.

  • facial vein 2 facts

    Any of several veins draining the face.

  • accessory hemiazygos vein 0 facts

    A vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins;...

  • accessory vertebral vein 0 facts

    A vein that accompanies the vertebral vein but passes through the foramen...

  • accompanying vein 0 facts

    A vein accompanying another structure; a vein may accompany an artery in such...

  • anastomotic vein 0 facts

    Either of two communicating veins serving the brain.

  • angular vein 0 facts

    A short vein formed by the supraorbital vein and the supratrochlear vein and continuing...

  • arcuate vein of the kidney 0 facts

    Veins that receive blood from interlobular veins of kidney and rectal...

  • anterior vertebral vein 0 facts

    A vein that accompanies the ascending cervical artery and opens into the...

  • appendicular vein 0 facts

    A vein that accompanies the appendicular artery and empties into the ileocolic...

  • auricular vein 0 facts

    One of two veins serving the ear region.

  • axillary vein 0 facts

    A continuation of the basilic vein and brachial vein that becomes the subclavian ...

  • azygos vein 0 facts

    One of a system of veins that drain the thoracic and abdominal walls; arises as a continuation...

  • basal vein 0 facts

    A large vein passing along the medial surface of the temporal lobe and emptying into...

  • basivertebral vein 0 facts

    One of a number of veins draining the spongy substance of the vertebrae and emptying...

  • brachial vein 0 facts

    Two veins in either arm that accompany the brachial artery and empty into the axillary...

  • brachiocephalic vein 0 facts

    Veins formed by the union of the internal jugular and subclavian veins.

  • femoral vein 0 facts

    A vein that accompanies the femoral artery in the same sheath; a continuation of the...

  • bronchial vein 0 facts

    Veins serving the bronchi; empty into the azygos vein.

  • central veins of liver 0 facts

    Terminal branches of the hepatic veins that lie in the hepatic lobules and...

  • cephalic vein 0 facts

    A large vein of the arm that empties into the axillary vein.

  • central vein of retina 0 facts

    Vein formed by the union of the retinal veins; accompanies central arteries...

  • central vein of suprarenal gland 0 facts

    A single draining vein; on the right it empties into the inferior...

  • cerebellar vein 0 facts

    The veins draining the cerebellum.

  • cervical vein 0 facts

    A vein that accompanies an artery of the same name.

  • choroid vein 0 facts

    Either of two veins serving the choroid coat of the eye.

  • ciliary veins 0 facts

    Small veins coming from the ciliary body.

  • colic vein 0 facts

    Vein serving the large intestine.

  • common facial vein 0 facts

    Vein formed by union of facial vein and the retromandibular vein and emptying...

  • conjunctival veins 0 facts

    Veins draining the conjunctiva.

  • costoaxillary vein 0 facts

    One of several veins connecting intercostal veins with the lateral thoracic vein...

  • cutaneous vein 0 facts

    One of a number of veins in the subcutaneous tissue that empty into deep veins.

  • cystic vein 0 facts

    Vein that drains the gallbladder.

  • digital vein 0 facts

    One of the veins serving the fingers or toes.

  • diploic vein 0 facts

    One of the veins serving the spongy part of the cranial bones.

  • dorsal scapular vein 0 facts

    Vein that is a tributary of the subclavian vein or external jugular vein and...

  • emissary vein 0 facts

    One of several connecting veins in the scalp and head that drain blood from sinuses...

  • esophageal veins 0 facts

    Small veins from the esophagus emptying into the brachiocephalic vein or the azygos...

  • ethmoidal vein 0 facts

    Veins that drain the ethmoidal sinuses and empty into the superior ophthalmic ve...

  • external nasal vein 0 facts

    One of the veins that drain the external nose and empty into the angular or...

  • genicular vein 0 facts

    Veins that drain blood from structures around the knee; empty into the popliteal...

  • gluteal vein 0 facts

    Veins draining the gluteal muscles on either side of the body.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.