Legal Right

Of right.

A right based in law.

This concept's ID is @1~28343


  • use 2 facts

    (law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property; "we were given...

  • enfranchisement 1 facts

    A statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially...

  • eminent domain 0 facts

    The right of the state to take private property for public use; the Fifth Amendment...

  • patent right 0 facts

    The right granted by a patent; especially the exclusive right to an invention.

  • right of election 0 facts

    In probate law: the legal right of a surviving spouse to elect to take either...

  • right of entry 0 facts

    The legal right to take possession of real estate in a peaceable manner.

  • right of re-entry 0 facts

    The legal right to resume possession (a right that was reserved when a former...

  • right of offset 0 facts

    (banking) the legal right of a bank to seize deposited funds to cover a loan that...

  • right of privacy 0 facts

    A legal right (not explicitly provided in the United States Constitution) to be...

  • usufruct 0 facts

    A legal right to use and derive profit from property belonging to someone else provided...

  • visitation right 0 facts

    The right granted by a court to a parent (or other relative) who is deprived of...

Also contains

  • tenure 3 facts

    The right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands.

  • claim 2 facts

    An established or recognized right; "a strong legal claim to the property"; "he had no documents...

  • copyright 0 facts

    A document granting exclusive right to publish and sell literary or musical or artistic...

  • compulsory process 0 facts

    The right of a defendant to have a court use its subpoena power to compel the...

  • conjugal right 0 facts

    The right of married persons to the enjoyment of association and sympathy and confidence...

  • seat 0 facts

    The legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar body; "he was elected to a seat...

  • conjugal visitation right 0 facts

    The legal right in a prison for the inmate and spouse to have sexual ...

  • preemption 0 facts

    The right of a government to seize or appropriate something (as property).