
Of property.   May also be referred to as degree and level.

A position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree".

This concept's ID is @1~27922


  • intensity 5 facts

    High level or degree; the property of being intense.

  • moderation 2 facts

    Quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes.

  • depth 2 facts

    Degree of psychological or intellectual profundity.

  • quality 2 facts

    A degree or grade of excellence or worth; "the quality of students has risen"; "an executive...

  • immoderation 1 facts

    The quality of being excessive and lacking in moderation.

  • highness 0 facts

    A high degree (of amount or force etc.); "responsible for the highness of the rates".

  • high 0 facts

    A lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high".

  • low 0 facts

    A low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low".

  • lowness 0 facts

    A low or small degree of any quality (amount or force or temperature etc.); "he took advantage...

  • extreme 0 facts

    The furthest or highest degree of something; "he carried it to extremes".

  • amplitude level 0 facts

    The level on a scale of amplitude.

  • sun protection factor 0 facts

    The degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of...

  • grind 0 facts

    The grade of particle fineness to which a substance is ground; "a coarse grind of coffee".