
Of behavior.   May also be referred to as personal manner.

A way of acting or behaving.

This concept's ID is @1~26951


  • discourtesy 7 facts

    A manner that is rude and insulting.

  • courtesy 6 facts

    A courteous manner.

  • informality 2 facts

    A manner that does not take forms and ceremonies seriously.

  • formality 2 facts

    A manner that strictly observes all forms and ceremonies; "the formality of his voice...

  • presence 1 facts

    Dignified manner or conduct.

  • bedside manner 0 facts

    Manner or conduct of a physician in the presence of a patient.

  • foppishness 0 facts

    The manner and dress of a fop or dandy.

  • softness 0 facts

    Acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered; "his fingers have learned...