
Of disposition.

A friendly disposition.

This concept's ID is @1~25685


  • affability 3 facts

    A disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to).

  • kindliness 0 facts

    Friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition.

  • amicability 0 facts

    Having a disposition characterized by warmth and friendliness.

  • familiarity 0 facts

    Close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which...

  • approachability 0 facts

    The attribute of being easy to meet or deal with.

  • congeniality 0 facts

    A congenial disposition.

  • amity 0 facts

    A cordial disposition.

  • neighborliness 0 facts

    A disposition to be friendly and helpful to neighbors.

  • hospitableness 0 facts

    Having a disposition that welcomes guests and is fond of entertaining.