
Of timepiece.   May also be referred to as ticker.

A small portable timepiece.

This concept's ID is @1~25142


  • face 2 facts

    The side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object);...

  • digital watch 1 facts

    A watch with a digital display.

  • stem-winder 0 facts

    A watch that is wound by turning a knob at the stem.

  • movement 0 facts

    The driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive...

  • pocket watch 0 facts

    A watch that is carried in a small watch pocket.

  • watch case 0 facts

    The metal case in which the works of a watch are housed.

  • hunter 0 facts

    A watch with a hinged metal lid to protect the crystal.

  • wristwatch 0 facts

    A watch that is worn strapped to the wrist.

  • analog watch 0 facts

    A watch that represents time by the position of hands on a dial.

  • crystal 0 facts

    A protective cover that protects the face of a watch.

  • pendulum watch 0 facts

    (18th century) a watch with a balance wheel having a fake pendulum attached to i...