
Of ship and pole.

A stout rounded pole of wood or metal used to support rigging.

This concept's ID is @1~23458

Sailing Vessel

  • mast 7 facts

    A vertical spar for supporting sails.

  • yard 2 facts

    A long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or ...

  • boom 0 facts

    Any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or...

  • gaff 0 facts

    A spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.

Also contains

  • dolphin striker 0 facts

    Spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat.

  • bowsprit 0 facts

    A spar projecting from the bow of a vessel.

  • sprit 0 facts

    A light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonally.

  • jibboom 0 facts

    A spar that extends the bowsprit.