Sailing Vessel

Of vessel.   May also be referred to as sailing ship.

A vessel that is powered by the wind; often having several masts.

This concept's ID is @1~22617


  • mast 7 facts

    A vertical spar for supporting sails.

  • yard 2 facts

    A long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or ...

  • boom 0 facts

    Any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or...

  • gaff 0 facts

    A spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.

Also contains

  • sail 15 facts

    A large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a...

  • sailboat 5 facts

    A small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast.

  • sloop 2 facts

    A sailing vessel with a single mast set about one third of the boat's length aft of the b...

  • schooner 1 facts

    Sailing vessel used in former times.

  • helm 1 facts

    Steering mechanism for a vessel; a mechanical device by which a vessel is steered.

  • dhow 1 facts

    A lateen-rigged sailing vessel used by Arabs.

  • galleon 1 facts

    A large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more masts; used by the Spanish for commerce...

  • fore-and-after 0 facts

    Sailing vessel with a fore-and-aft rig.

  • bark 0 facts

    A sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts.

  • gaffsail 0 facts

    A quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail suspended from a gaff.

  • yawl 0 facts

    A sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost.

  • smack 0 facts

    A sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the...

  • Indiaman 0 facts

    A large sailing ship that was engaged in the British trade with India.

  • ketch 0 facts

    A sailing vessel with two masts; the mizzen is forward of the rudderpost.

  • weatherliness 0 facts

    (of a sailing vessel) the quality of being able to sail close to the wind with little...

  • brig 0 facts

    Two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on both masts.

  • brigantine 0 facts

    Two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on the foremast and fore-and-aft rigged on the...

  • cutter 0 facts

    A sailing vessel with a single mast set further back than the mast of a sloop.

  • felucca 0 facts

    A fast narrow sailing ship of the Mediterranean.

  • clipper 0 facts

    A fast sailing ship used in former times.

  • windjammer 0 facts

    A large sailing ship.

  • rigger 0 facts

    A sailing vessel with a specified rig; "a square rigger".

  • square-rigger 0 facts

    A square-rigged sailing ship.