
Of mechanical device, fuel system and cooling system.

A mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction.

This concept's ID is @1~21980


  • air pump 3 facts

    A pump that moves air in or out of something.

  • cylinder 2 facts

    A chamber within which piston moves.

  • suction pump 2 facts

    A pump for raising fluids by suction.

  • aspirator 0 facts

    A pump that draws air or another gas through a liquid.

  • force pump 0 facts

    Pump used to force a liquid up and expel it under pressure.

  • gas pump 0 facts

    A pump in a service station that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks.

  • hand pump 0 facts

    A pump worked by hand.

  • oil pump 0 facts

    A pump that keeps a supply of oil on moving parts.

  • centrifugal pump 0 facts

    A pump that use centrifugal force to discharge fluid into a pipe.

  • bicycle pump 0 facts

    A small pump that fills bicycle tires with air.

  • lift pump 0 facts

    Pump used to lift rather than force a liquid up.

  • auxiliary pump 0 facts

    A supplementary pump available if needed.

  • bilge pump 0 facts

    A pump to remove bilgewater.

  • water pump 0 facts

    The pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to circulate.

  • stirrup pump 0 facts

    A hand-operated reciprocating pump; used in fighting fires.

  • heart-lung machine 0 facts

    A pump to maintain circulation during heart surgery; diverts blood from the heart...

  • hydraulic pump 0 facts

    A water pump that uses the kinetic energy of flowing water to force a small fraction...

  • gun 0 facts

    A hand-operated pump that resembles a revolver; forces grease into parts of a machine.