
Of level.

A raised horizontal surface; "the speaker mounted the platform".

This concept's ID is @1~21646


  • deck 11 facts

    Any of various platforms built into a vessel.

  • crow's nest 0 facts

    Platform for a lookout at or near the top of a mast.

  • top 0 facts

    Platform surrounding the head of a lower mast.


  • landing 0 facts

    An intermediate platform in a staircase.

  • stairhead 0 facts

    Platform at the top of a staircase.

Also contains

  • stage 8 facts

    A large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up...

  • dock 4 facts

    A platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access...

  • ring 4 facts

    A platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle.

  • footboard 1 facts

    A narrow platform on which to stand or brace the feet.

  • footplate 0 facts

    The platform in the cab of a locomotive on which the engineer stands to operate the c...

  • rostrum 0 facts

    A platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it.

  • fly gallery 0 facts

    A narrow raised platform at the side of a stage in a theater; stagehands can work the...

  • foretop 0 facts

    A platform at the head of a foremast.

  • turntable 0 facts

    A circular horizontal platform that rotates a phonograph record while it is being pla...

  • turntable 0 facts

    A rotatable platform with a track; used to turn locomotives and cars.

  • dock 0 facts

    A platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded.

  • catwalk 0 facts

    Narrow platform extending out into an auditorium; "models displayed clothes on a catwalk...

  • stage 0 facts

    A small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination.

  • stand 0 facts

    A platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air.

  • pallet 0 facts

    A portable platform for storing or moving goods that are stacked on it.

  • monkey bridge 0 facts

    A high narrow platform above a deck or in an engine room or boiler room.

  • runway 0 facts

    A narrow platform extending from the stage into the audience in a theater or nightclub e...

  • block 0 facts

    A platform from which an auctioneer sells; "they put their paintings on the block".

  • pad 0 facts

    A platform from which rockets or space craft are launched.

  • scaffold 0 facts

    A platform from which criminals are executed (hanged or beheaded).

  • landing stage 0 facts

    Platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded.