
Of drug.

A drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addiction.

This concept's ID is @1~20737


  • drug addiction 5 facts

    An addiction to a drug (especially a narcotic drug).

  • addiction 1 facts

    Being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically...

Controlled Substance

  • hard drug 2 facts

    A narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction.

  • opium 0 facts

    An addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy.

Also contains

  • opiate 6 facts

    A narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative.

  • soft drug 3 facts

    A drug of abuse that is considered relatively mild and not likely to cause addiction.

  • meperidine 0 facts

    A synthetic narcotic drug (trade name Demerol) used to treat pain.

  • methadone 0 facts

    Synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in narcotic detoxification...

  • connection 0 facts

    A supplier (especially of narcotics).

  • space cadet 0 facts

    Someone who seems unable to respond appropriately to reality (as if under the influence...

  • recreational drug 0 facts

    A narcotic drug that is used only occasionally and is claimed to be nonaddict...