
Of medicine and drug.   May also be referred to as medicament, medication and medicinal drug.

(medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease.

This concept's ID is @1~20356


  • amrinone 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction...

  • clofibrate 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some...

  • clopidogrel bisulfate 0 facts

    A blood thinner (trade name Plavix) approved for the treatment of mild heart...

  • disulfiram 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism; causes nausea and vomiting...

  • gemfibrozil 0 facts

    Medication (trade name Lopid) used to lower the levels of triglyceride in the blood.


  • acyclovir 0 facts

    An oral antiviral drug (trade name Zovirax) used to treat genital herpes; does not cure...

  • alendronate 0 facts

    A tablet (trade name Fosamax) prescribed to prevent or treat osteoporosis in women after...

  • allopurinol 0 facts

    A drug (trade name Zyloprim) used to treat gout and other conditions in which there...

  • azathioprine 0 facts

    An immunosuppressive drug (trade name Imuran) used to prevent rejection of a transplanted...

Also contains

  • analgesic 14 facts

    A medicine used to relieve pain.

  • antibacterial 14 facts

    Any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth.

  • antihypertensive 14 facts

    A drug that reduces high blood pressure.

  • antihistamine 13 facts

    A medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by...

  • antiseptic 9 facts

    A substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body ti...

  • anticonvulsant 9 facts

    A drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy).

  • anti-inflammatory 8 facts

    A medicine intended to reduce inflammation.

  • antidepressant 7 facts

    Any of a class of drugs used to treat depression; often have undesirable side ef...

  • antiviral 6 facts

    Any drug that destroys viruses.

  • bronchodilator 6 facts

    A drug that relaxes and dilates the bronchial passageways and improves the passages...

  • antiarrhythmic 6 facts

    A drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm.

  • dose 5 facts

    A measured portion of medicine taken at any one time.

  • antidiabetic 4 facts

    A drug used to treat diabetes mellitus.

  • antiemetic 4 facts

    A drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting.

  • blocker 4 facts

    A class of drugs that inhibit (block) some biological process.

  • drug cocktail 3 facts

    A combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors;...

  • anticoagulant 3 facts

    Medicine that prevents or retards the clotting of blood.

  • calcium blocker 3 facts

    Any of a class of drugs that block the flow of the electrolyte calcium (either in...

  • antidiarrheal 2 facts

    A drug used to control or stop diarrhea.

  • antiprotozoal 2 facts

    A medicinal drug used to fight diseases (like malaria) that are caused by protozo...

  • antispasmodic 1 facts

    A drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the smooth muscles).

  • antitussive 1 facts

    Any medicine used to suppress or relieve coughing.

  • astringent 1 facts

    A drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals.

  • expectorant 1 facts

    A medicine promoting expectoration.

  • decongestant 1 facts

    A drug that decreases pulmonary congestion.

  • anticholinergic 1 facts

    A substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine.

  • anticholinesterase 1 facts

    A medicine that inhibits cholinesterase by combining with it and so has a cholinergic...

  • antidiuretic 1 facts

    A drug that limits the formation of urine.

  • cytotoxic drug 1 facts

    Any drug that has a toxic effect on cells; commonly used in chemotherapy to inhibit...

  • APC 0 facts

    A drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies (aspirin and phenacetin...

  • carminative 0 facts

    Medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its ...

  • hematinic 0 facts

    A medicine that increases the hemoglobin content of the blood; used to treat iron-deficiency...

  • atomic cocktail 0 facts

    An oral dose of radioactive substance used in treatment and diagnosis of cancer.

  • diaphoretic 0 facts

    Used to produce perspiration.

  • angiogenesis inhibitor 0 facts

    A drug that is designed to prevent the growth of blood vessels that nourish...

  • fixed-combination drug 0 facts

    Drug containing fixed amounts of two or more ingredients.

  • demulcent 0 facts

    A medication (in the form of an oil or salve etc.) that soothes inflamed or injured s...

  • Drixoral 0 facts

    The trade name for a drug used to treat upper respiratory congestion; it contains an antihistamine...

  • cold medicine 0 facts

    Medicine intended to relieve the symptoms of the common cold.

  • antipyretic 0 facts

    Any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever.

  • counterirritant 0 facts

    A medicine applied locally to produce superficial inflammation in order to reduce...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.