
Of cosmetic.   May also be referred to as make-up and war paint.

Cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance.

This concept's ID is @1~20211


  • face powder 0 facts

    Cosmetic powder for the face.

  • lip-gloss 0 facts

    Makeup that makes the lips shiny.

  • paint 0 facts

    Makeup consisting of a pink or red powder applied to the cheeks.

  • lipstick 0 facts

    Makeup that is used to color the lips.

  • mascara 0 facts

    Makeup that is used to darken and thicken the eye lashes.

  • eyebrow pencil 0 facts

    Makeup provided by a cosmetic pencil that is used to darken the eyebrows.

  • kohl 0 facts

    A cosmetic preparation used by women in Egypt and Arabia to darken the edges of their eyel...

  • blackface 0 facts

    The makeup (usually burnt cork) used by a performer in order to imitate a Negro.

  • eyeliner 0 facts

    Makeup applied to emphasize the shape of the eyes.

  • eyeshadow 0 facts

    Makeup consisting of a cosmetic substance used to darken the eyes.

  • greasepaint 0 facts

    A greasy substance used as makeup by actors.