
Of train and self-propelled vehicle.   May also be referred to as locomotive, locomotive engine and railway locomotive.

A wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks.

This concept's ID is @1~20033


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    A locomotive driven by a diesel engine.

  • steam locomotive 2 facts

    A locomotive powered by a steam engine.

  • electric locomotive 1 facts

    A locomotive that is powered by an electric motor.

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    A locomotive that precedes a train to check the track.

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    A small locomotive.

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    The platform in the cab of a locomotive on which the engineer stands to operate the c...

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    (c. 1840) an early term for a locomotive.

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    An inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track.

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    A small locomotive used to move cars around but not to make trips.

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    A child's word for locomotive.

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    A locomotive that carries its own fuel and water; no tender is needed.

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    Steam-powered locomotive for drawing heavy loads along surfaces other than trac...

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    A locomotive for switching rolling stock in a railroad yard.

More Connections

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    The operator of a railway locomotive.