
Of handwear.

Handwear: covers the hand and wrist.

This concept's ID is @1~18588


  • finger 0 facts

    One of the parts of a glove that provides covering for a finger or thumb.

  • thumb 0 facts

    The part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb.

Also contains

  • golf glove 0 facts

    A glove worn by golfers to give a firm grip on the handle of the golf club.

  • mitten 0 facts

    Glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together.

  • batting glove 0 facts

    A glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat.

  • gauntlet 0 facts

    A glove with long sleeve.

  • gauntlet 0 facts

    A glove of armored leather; protects the hand.

  • kid glove 0 facts

    A glove made of fine soft leather (as kidskin).