
Of setup.   May also be referred to as copier.

Apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material.

This concept's ID is @1~17536


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    A rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Ron...

  • Photostat 0 facts

    A duplicating machine that makes quick positive or negative copies directly on the surface...

Also contains

  • lithograph 1 facts

    Duplicator that prints by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated...

  • photocopier 0 facts

    A copier that uses photographic methods of making copies.

  • Xerox 0 facts

    A duplicator (trade mark Xerox) that copies graphic matter by the action of light on an electrically...

  • hectograph 0 facts

    Duplicator consisting of a gelatin plate from which ink can be taken to make a copy.

  • facsimile 0 facts

    Duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio.