
Of explosive device and arms.

An explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions.

This concept's ID is @1~15240

Nuclear Weapon

  • atom bomb 4 facts

    A nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission (splitting the...

  • hydrogen bomb 0 facts

    A nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at...

  • megaton bomb 0 facts

    A nuclear weapon with an explosive power equivalent to one million tons of TNT.

Cluster Bomb

  • cluster bomb 2 facts

    Bomb consisting of a canister that is dropped from a plane and that opens to release...

  • daisy cutter 1 facts

    A bomb with only 10 to 20 per cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings...

Also contains

  • grenade 2 facts

    A small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile.

  • smart bomb 1 facts

    A bomb that can be guided (by a laser beam or radio) to its target; "smart bombs have...

  • remote-control bomb 1 facts

    A bomb that can be detonated by remote control.

  • general-purpose bomb 1 facts

    A large bomb (500 to 2,000 pounds that is 50% explosive) whose explosion creates...

  • plastic bomb 1 facts

    A bomb made of plastic explosive.

  • balloon bomb 0 facts

    A bomb carried by a balloon; "In World War II the Japanese launched balloon bombs against...

  • incendiary bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that is designed to start fires; is most effective against flammable targets...

  • cruise missile 0 facts

    An unmanned aircraft that is a self-contained bomb.

  • time bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time.

  • bombshell 0 facts

    An explosive bomb or artillery shell.

  • briefcase bomb 0 facts

    A bomb consisting of an explosive and timer hidden inside a briefcase.

  • gas shell 0 facts

    (military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is...

  • smoke bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes; used to make a smoke screen or to...

  • penetration bomb 0 facts

    A bomb with about 30% explosive and a casing designed to penetrate hardened targets...

  • letter bomb 0 facts

    A thin explosive device inside an envelope or package and detonated when opened.

  • microwave bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that explodes in midair and releases a massive burst of electromagnetic energy...

  • chemical bomb 0 facts

    A bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes.

  • stink bomb 0 facts

    A small bomb designed to give off a foul odor when it explodes.

  • aerosol bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive; "a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures...

  • pipe bomb 0 facts

    A small homemade bomb usually contained in a metal pipe.

  • dumb bomb 0 facts

    A bomb that falls because of gravity and is not guided to a target.

  • depth charge 0 facts

    A bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water; antisubmarine device.

  • car bomb 0 facts

    A bomb placed in a car and wired to explode when the ignition is started or by remote control...

More Connections

  • bomblet 2 facts

    One of the smaller bombs that are released from a cluster bomb.