Body Armor

Of armor.   May also be referred to as body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, suit of armor and suit of armour.

Armor that protects the wearer's whole body.

This concept's ID is @1~15213

Armor Plate

  • helmet 8 facts

    Armor plate that protects the head.

  • cannon 2 facts

    (Middle Ages) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm.

  • aegis 1 facts

    Armor plate that protects the chest; the front part of a cuirass.

  • brassard 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the arm.

  • cubitiere 0 facts

    Body armor that protects the elbow.

  • cuisse 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the thigh.

  • epauliere 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the shoulder.

  • fauld 0 facts

    A piece of armor plate below the breastplate.

  • gorget 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the neck.

  • greave 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects legs below the knee.

  • knee piece 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the knee.

  • nosepiece 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the nose.

  • palette 0 facts

    One of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor.

  • roundel 0 facts

    Round piece of armor plate that protects the armpit.

  • skirt of tasses 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the body below the waist.

  • solleret 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the foot; consists of mail with a solid toe and heel.

  • tasset 0 facts

    One of two pieces of armor plate hanging from the fauld to protect the upper thighs.

  • tuille 0 facts

    Armor plate that protects the hip and thigh.


  • basinet 1 facts

    A medieval steel helmet.

  • casque 1 facts

    (15-16th century) any armor for the head; usually ornate without a visor.

  • armet 0 facts

    A medieval helmet with a visor and a neck guard.


  • rerebrace 0 facts

    Cannon that provides plate armor for the upper arm.

  • vambrace 0 facts

    Cannon of plate armor protecting the forearm.

Chain Mail

  • chain mail 4 facts

    (Middle Ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings.

  • voider 0 facts

    A piece of chain mail covering a place unprotected by armor plate.

Also contains

  • cuirass 1 facts

    Medieval body armor that covers the chest and back.

  • gauntlet 0 facts

    A glove of armored leather; protects the hand.

  • corselet 0 facts

    A piece of body armor for the trunk; usually consists of a breastplate and back piece.

  • bulletproof vest 0 facts

    A vest capable of resisting the impact of a bullet.