
Of container.   May also be referred to as handbasket.

A container that is usually woven and has handles.

This concept's ID is @1~14837


  • hamper 2 facts

    A basket usually with a cover.

  • wicker basket 1 facts

    A basket made of wickerwork.

  • creel 0 facts

    A wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish.

  • bushel basket 0 facts

    A basket large enough to hold a bushel.

  • breadbasket 0 facts

    A basket for serving bread.

  • shopping basket 0 facts

    A handbasket used to carry goods while shopping.

  • punnet 0 facts

    A small light basket used as a measure for fruits.

  • frail 0 facts

    A basket for holding dried fruit (especially raisins or figs).

  • skep 0 facts

    A large round wicker basket (used on farms).