
Of vessel.

A bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids; "she mixed the dough in a large basin".

This concept's ID is @1~14835


  • stoop 0 facts

    Basin for holy water.

  • laver 0 facts

    (Old Testament) large basin used by a priest in an ancient Jewish temple to perform ritual...

  • emesis basin 0 facts

    A basin used by bedridden patients for vomiting.

  • baptismal font 0 facts

    Bowl for baptismal water.

  • washbasin 0 facts

    A basin for washing the hands (`wash-hand basin' is a British expression).

  • birdbath 0 facts

    An ornamental basin (usually in a garden) for birds to bathe in.

  • bidet 0 facts

    A basin for washing genitals and anal area.

  • aspersorium 0 facts

    The basin or other vessel that holds holy water in Roman Catholic Churches.