
Of walk.

A person's manner of walking.

This concept's ID is @1~1449


  • stalk 0 facts

    A stiff or threatening gait.

  • strut 0 facts

    A proud stiff pompous gait.

  • waddle 0 facts

    Walking with short steps and the weight tilting from one foot to the other; "ducks walk with...

  • hitch 0 facts

    The uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg.

  • flounce 0 facts

    The act of walking with exaggerated jerky motions.

  • stumble 0 facts

    An unsteady uneven gait.

  • pacing 0 facts

    Walking with slow regular strides.

  • roll 0 facts

    Walking with a swaying gait.

  • saunter 0 facts

    A careless leisurely gait; "he walked with a kind of saunter as if he hadn't a care in the...

  • skip 0 facts

    A gait in which steps and hops alternate.