Percoid Fish

Of Perciformes and spiny-finned fish.   May also be referred to as percoid and percoidean.

Any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of the order Perciformes.

This concept's ID is @1~13440


  • bream 6 facts

    Any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Spar...

  • perch 0 facts

    Any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of the order Perciformes.


  • bigeye 0 facts

    Red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales.

  • catalufa 0 facts

    Brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters.

Also contains

  • scombroid 10 facts

    Important marine food and game fishes found in all tropical and temperate seas; some are...

  • grunt 8 facts

    Medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter grunting sounds when caught.

  • blennioid fish 8 facts

    Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic...

  • wrasse 8 facts

    Chiefly tropical marine fishes with fleshy lips and powerful teeth; usually brightly col...

  • butterfish 7 facts

    Small marine fish with a short compressed body and feeble spines.

  • sciaenid fish 6 facts

    Widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder...

  • snapper 6 facts

    Any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae...

  • sunfish 6 facts

    Small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally...

  • carangid fish 5 facts

    A percoid fish of the family Carangidae.

  • perch 4 facts

    Spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes.

  • mullet 4 facts

    Freshwater or coastal food fishes a spindle-shaped body; found worldwide.

  • pike 4 facts

    Any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in...

  • serranid fish 4 facts

    Marine food sport fishes mainly of warm coastal waters.

  • sparid 3 facts

    Spiny-finned food fishes of warm waters having well-developed teeth.

  • gempylid 3 facts

    Snake mackerels; elongated marine fishes with oily flesh; resembles mackerels; found w...

  • dolphin 3 facts

    Large slender food and game fish widely distributed in warm seas (especially around Haw...

  • butterfly fish 3 facts

    Small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies...

  • damselfish 3 facts

    Small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs.

  • cardinalfish 2 facts

    Small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters.

  • surgeonfish 1 facts

    Brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail.

  • cichlid 1 facts

    Freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes...

  • threadfin 1 facts

    Mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays.

  • mullet 1 facts

    Bottom dwelling marine warm water fishes with two barbels on the chin.

  • surfperch 1 facts

    Small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the Pacific coast of North America.

  • bluefish 1 facts

    Bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow...

  • gudgeon 1 facts

    Small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated...

  • robalo 1 facts

    A kind of percoid fish.

  • sea chub 1 facts

    Schooling fishes mostly of Indian and western Pacific oceans; two species in western A...

  • bass 1 facts

    Nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes.

  • worm fish 0 facts

    Poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies.

  • cutlassfish 0 facts

    Long-bodied marine fishes having a long whiplike scaleless body and sharp teeth; closely...

  • tilefish 0 facts

    Important marine food fishes.

  • parrotfish 0 facts

    Gaudy tropical fishes with parrotlike beaks formed by fusion of teeth.

  • jawfish 0 facts

    Small large-mouthed tropical marine fishes common along sandy bottoms; males brood egg balls...

  • stargazer 0 facts

    Heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head.

  • sand stargazer 0 facts

    Small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North America and South America having...

  • tilefish 0 facts

    Yellow-spotted violet food fish of warm deep waters.

  • cobia 0 facts

    Large dark-striped tropical food and game fish related to remoras; found worldwide in coastal...

  • sleeper 0 facts

    Tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water.

  • flathead 0 facts

    Pallid bottom-dwelling flat-headed fish with large eyes and a duck-like snout.

  • archerfish 0 facts

    Any of several small freshwater fishes that catch insects by squirting water at them...

  • sandfish 0 facts

    Either of two small silvery scaleless fishes of the northern Pacific that burrow into ...

  • cusk-eel 0 facts

    Elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes.

  • brotula 0 facts

    Deep-sea fishes.

  • pearlfish 0 facts

    Found living within the alimentary canals of e.g. sea cucumbers or between the shells...

  • angelfish 0 facts

    Deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western Atlantic coastal waters.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.