Food Fish

Of fish.

Any fish used for food by human beings.

This concept's ID is @1~13212

Clupeid Fish

  • shad 3 facts

    Herring-like food fishes that migrate from the sea to fresh water to spawn.

  • herring 3 facts

    Commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific.

  • sardine 2 facts

    Any of various small edible herring or related food fishes frequently canned.


  • salmon 8 facts

    Any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to...

  • trout 4 facts

    Any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salm...

Also contains

  • sea bass 8 facts

    Any of various food and sport fishes of the Atlantic coast of the United States having...

  • snapper 6 facts

    Any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae...

  • sole 6 facts

    Right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European.

  • whitefish 5 facts

    Silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere.

  • tuna 4 facts

    Any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus; related to mackerel; chiefly...

  • groundfish 0 facts

    Fish that live on the sea bottom (particularly the commercially important gadoid fish...

  • barracouta 0 facts

    A large marine food fish common on the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and southern...