
Of cattle.   May also be referred to as beef cattle.

Cattle that are reared for their meat.

This concept's ID is @1~12580


  • Charolais 0 facts

    Large white or cream-colored breed from France.

  • longhorn 0 facts

    Long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States.

  • Durham 0 facts

    English breed of short-horned cattle.

  • Galloway 0 facts

    Breed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland.

  • Hereford 0 facts

    Hardy English breed of dairy cattle raised extensively in United States.

  • Santa Gertrudis 0 facts

    Brahman and shorthorn crossbreed of red cattle; hardy in hot regions.

  • cattalo 0 facts

    Hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo...

  • Aberdeen Angus 0 facts

    Black hornless breed from Scotland.